What to expect from visits with your ND

“Health is not an expense. It is an investment.”

Naturopathic visits are a little different from your visits to medical doctors. They take more time because Naturopathic Doctors like me thoroughly investigate your health concerns by gathering details beyond your symptoms. This is done to ensure that we have a good grasp of what your state of health actually is. As well, it is crucial to know what factors are influencing the progression of your concerns. Each naturopathic visit is also unique, depending on your personal treatment plan and timeline. Read for more details or book an appointment now by clicking the button below.


I appreciate curiosity and enjoy healthy conversations. If you would like to find out more about naturopathic medicine and how I can help you, book a complimentary 15-minute visit now.

Initial visit

Initial visits are 60 minutes long and involve a thorough assessment of your chief health concerns, medical history, and a screening physical exam. In this visit we will take a look at your health status, discuss your risk factors, note your family history, and understand your lifestyle habits. Further diagnostic testing may be necessary if I believe this will change our course of treatment. We will also review your goals and together we will decide what the focus of treatment will be. In this visit, we will come up with an achievable plan to get you feeling better.

Second visit

I schedule my second visits 1 to 2 weeks after the first visit. This is so we can easily build momentum in terms of progress, and we can adjust any features of the plan to accommodate your needs. These visits are typically 45 minutes long as more information may be gathered and additional examinations may be performed to further refine treatment. Blood work and laboratory tests may also be reviewed in this visit. During this visit we will also better tailor the initiated plan to you.

Follow-up visits

Follow-up visits vary in duration and frequency as this highly depends on the individual patients and what the treatment plan calls for. These visits are meant to monitor your progress and to modify plans as necessary. I also highly encourage seasonal and annual visits to help prevent disease progression, revisit and re-inspire health goals, and keep you inspired to become better and healthier.

  • 60-minute visit – This option is ideal for: second visits, for when I haven’t seen you in over 6 months and for when you think there is more information to be discussed that will guide us better.
  • 45-minute visit – This option is ideal for: subsequent acupuncture visits (especially chronic cases); third visits; for when we need to discuss and make sense of any lab work; and for when we need to thoroughly change some parts of your treatment plan.
  • 30-minute visit – This option is ideal for acupuncture visits (especially acute cases) and for when we need to make any thorough changes to your treatment plan.
  • 15-minute visit – This option is ideal for: when we need to briefly discuss any new information and lab results that will influence our treatment plan; and for when it is deemed necessary to make any adjustments to our plan.


We understand that life happens, and plans don’t always work out. In an event that you are not able to make it for your scheduled appointment, we ask that you inform us as soon as possible. As a courtesy to our staff and other patients’ time and efforts, we require you to inform us 48 hours before your scheduled visit to cancel. If you cancel 48 hours or less before your visit, we will have to charge half of the price of the visit fee.
